WSLC endorses Beth Doglio for Congress in WA’s 10th CD

“In this uncertain and challenging time, working people deserve leaders in Congress they can trust to fight for them – there is no doubt that’s Beth Doglio,” said WSLC President Larry Brown. “Leading efforts to strengthen prevailing wages, allow part-time workers to organize, and protect the health of firefighters and first responders, Beth Doglio has been a champion for the needs of working people in Washington state, now we need her doing the same in Washington D.C.”

“As an activist and in the legislature, Beth Doglio has proven to be an incredible partner for our state’s workers and labor community,” said WSLC Secretary Treasurer April Sims. “With Beth’s collaborative and effective leadership in Congress, we will have a strong advocate for a robust, worker-centered agenda – someone dedicated to creating an economy where all workers can succeed and thrive – with the vision and experience to make it happen.”